Monday, November 19, 2012

Mon, 19 Nov 2012

This Week at Hop Angel

Tuesday at 8:30pm, as usual, is Quizzo with Quiz Lord Ryan. No cover.

We will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving.

On Friday, King Groove will be jamming, starting at 8:30pm.

On Sunday, brunch starts at 11am.

And here is what is going down at the Grey Lodge this week.

Random Beer Notes
Due up after Green Flash Fest Beer, which I wrote about last week, is Victory Moonglow. Moonglow is a once a year Weissenbock. Weissenbocks are wheat beers, but with lots more malt, and hence a lot more alcohol. Moonglow weighs in at 8.9% ABV, so it's probably a one and done before moving onto something else for most of us. But that one gets the job done with loads of taste. This beer just explodes with flavor. This is a fall seasonable beer I always look forward to. I'm very glad we got to work a keg in here at Hop Angel.

The current IPA is Great Lakes Commodore Perry IPA. This is an extremely hoppy but really drinkable IPA. The bottle I drank a couple of weeks ago really jazzed me, which is how it got to be on tap. Great Lakes is a really great and pretty large brewery out of Cleveland. If they arrived in the Philly market a few years earlier than they did, they would have made a huge splash. It takes big ramp of capacity (and added capital) to add a large state like PA to your distribution area, and that takes time. As it was, Great Lakes arrived a little too late. Eventually the rest of Philly will catch on, but the status quo means unlimited great beer for those of who know.

Susquehanna Centennial Fresh Hop Lager is a wet hopped or harvest lager from one of PA's newest breweries. Wet hopped beers can only be once a year when the hops are harvested wet off the vine and used immediately. Wet hopped beers are usually ales, so a lager is an interesting novelty. I can't wait to try it.

Victory Harvest Ale, another wet hopped beer, is due on tap sometime this week. The hop harvest was a little late this year, and so where the harvest beers. How wet hopped beers taste different from dried hopped beers is something better discovered by tasting, than by words. It's different in a good way.

Up after Brooklynner Wiese, another beer I wrote about last week, is Boulder Sweaty Betty. Another of my favorite wheat beers. I really love this one, so it winds up on tap here quite often. Other folks must love it too, since it seems to move quickly whenever it's on. Great name, great beer.

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